Our patented combustion technologies are based on enriched air with pure oxygen.
What is it for?
Our proven and patented combustion technologies based on enriching air with pure oxygen will support your needs for making furnaces in the glass and metal industries more energy and cost efficient while also reducing pollutants.
Oxy-combustion at a glance
Several methods enrich air with oxygen and generate optimum heat transfers to the molten product:
- Adding oxygen to air before injection into the furnace
- Direct Oxygen injection into the furnace using lances
- Using oxy-fuel burners for distribution and injection of pure oxygen and fuel
In metallurgy, oxygen is used as a main gas in many applications such as the manufacture of nickel, zinc, steel, copper and aluminium. As a strategic partner for several global metallurgy companies, we offer two ways of supplying our gases to our customers - Pipeline and packed offers. Transportation of gas via pipeline is used when large volumes of gas is required. This is done to negate the environmental impacts of overland shipping as a secure option.
BOOSTAL is our performance enhancement solutions to help companies which require lower volumes of gas. It consists of oxygen, and a full range of advanced technologies for non-ferrous metals, foundries and steel. Our on-site experts l help determine how BOOSTAL solutions can minimise environmental impacts.